MNEMIC: In Writing Mode

March 17, 2009

Guitarist Mircea Gabriel Eftemie of the Danish modern metallers MNEMIC has issued the following update:

"Since we took a break from touring in 2008, apart from playing a few shows with METALLICA (yes, I still mention this cause I'm damn proud of it!),things have been quite productive. We have definitely not been lazy, that's for sure. As we did recharge our batteries, in this break, we also fell the hunger for creativity and started writing new material. Already by now I can confirm that we have 11 brand new songs written, and we are still a long way from finishing. The plan is, of course, to write as many songs as possible until we are 110% satisfied with all the material.

"For now the title of the album is set as 'Sons of the System'.

"Why is this taking so long, you may ask? Because we want to be 100% satisfied with this release and not put out an album we just worked on two months in advance prior to the recordings. On the other hand, as the release date has not yet been set, I assure you, this will definitely not be a 'Chinese Democracy' in the making.

"On a last note, we have quite a few surprises up our sleeve for this releaseā€¦.and as for touring, there will only be shows coinciding with the release of the new album, which means you'll have to wait a bit if you want to see us live. It's all part of a greater plan."

MNEMIC's latest album, "Passenger" (2007),was produced by FEAR FACTORY's Christian Olde Wolbers at Track Record Studios (KISS, MEGADETH, AEROSMITH) in Los Angeles. The CD features artwork by Asterik Studios (ANTHRAX, UNEARTH) plus guest vocal appearances by Jeff Walker (CARCASS, BRUJERIA) and Shane Embury (NAPALM DEATH, BRUJERIA). MNEMIC also completed a video for "Meaningless" (see below) with Revolver Film director Patric Ullaeus.

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